Cholesterol Management >> Side Effects of Statin Drugs >> Vanachol
Vanachol: Mega Vitamin Formula to Lower Cholesterol
The drug known as Vanachol is actually DHA/EPA/Policosanol/Vitamin B-12/Folic Acid/Vitamin B6. It is a long name for a drug long on serious side effects even as it is used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and can build up in the arteries when there is too much. Other fatty substances in the blood are called triglycerides.
Some of the more serious side effects of this cholesterol-lowering drug are a reduction in blood clotting capabilities. It is advised that pregnant women don’t use the drug, but especially prior to and following delivery. Other side effects for many people include diarrhea, nausea, nervousness, and trouble sleeping. Those allergic to fish oil or octacosanol need to inform their doctor because there could be allergic reactions with the use of Vanachol.
The manufacturers of this formula and other drugs used to lower cholesterol will claim that the risks of untreated of high cholesterol are much more dangerous than the potential side effects of cholesterol reducing drugs. This may be true, but if you are the one to experience the side effects, it is of little consolation to know that “most” other people do not have them.
Natural sources of vitamins and folic acid can be obtained through diet. The body is much better equipped to assimilate these nutrients when it comes from food sources. Natural regulators use what is needed and eliminate the rest. It is difficult to reproduce this effect with a particular dosage of drug that is taken throughout the day.
To find out more about how to lower cholesterol naturally, get The 60-Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure. Here you will find how diet, exercise and the right types of supplements can safely and effectively lower cholesterol.

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